Send Mithai Rakhi Thali to UK has launched vast collection of Mithai Thali for upcoming festival. Buy sacred pooja thali for Rakhi celebration with traditional sweets like Motichoor ladoo, Ghewar, Gulab Jamun, Kaju Katli and so on. All these gourmet sweets will help you to bring extra sweetness into the relationship.
Send Chocolate Rakhi Thali to UK
This is a new variant of Rakhi Thali comprising of delectable assortments of chocolates. Take a break from traditional sweets and indulge into rich taste of chocolates. Buy and send chocolate rakhi to UK for chocolaty brother.
Send Dry Fruits Rakhi Thali to UK
Dry fruits are lip smacking rakhi gifts. They make a healthy choice too. offers dry fruits thali in silver and golden metallic base. They come with pooja ingredients like diya, flowers, roli chwala and fancy rakhi thread. has user-friendly interface, smart browsing tools and safe payment gateway.